Sunday, July 15, 2007

Malaysia's warning on cars with tinted glass

Vehicles from Sinpore & Thailand with heavily tinted windscreens & windows will be turned back at Malaysia's border checkpoints when an amendment to a road Act is endorsed soon.
Road Transport Department enforcement director Salim Parlan said the cars would not be allowed if they failed a test at the border.
"Only vehicles with at least 70% level of light penetration in the front & 50% on the rear windscreen & side windows will be allowed," he said, but did not indicate when the new law will take effect.
There was a contraversy in April after several Singapore cars with dark tinted windows were given tickets in Malaysia.The problem boils down to different rules in the two countries on tint levels.
Singapore's Land Transport Authority requires 70% of light to be in through the window screen & side windows in front & 25% of the light for the rear windscreen & windows.

Article from Straits Time on the 15july 2007

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